CleverSnippets | Help

This page will help you with the usage of CleverSnippets.

Home page

Menu icon

Tap on the menu icon to access different sections like "Settings", "Help", ...

"+" button

Tap this button to create a new snippet (see below for help on this).

Search bar

By entering search terms into the search bar you can look for snippets with a matching title and/or content.

List of snippets

Within the list of snippets you can:

Create/edit snippets

Title text field

Here you can enter a title for your snippet. If you leave this field empty, the title of your snippet will be the first 30 characters of the content.

Content text field

This is the content of your snippet. It can contain:


To insert a placeholder tap on the nerd icon on the top. You can add these kinds of placeholders:


To insert an image, long-tap on the text field where you want to insert the image (choose "Add image" from the context menu). You will then be asked to take a photo or select an image from your gallery.


To insert a link, long-tap on the text field where you want to insert the link (choose "Add link" from the context menu). You will then be asked to enter a link URL and a link text.

More icon

The more icon will open a popup where you can input a sharing subject. This will be used if you share to targets which support a subject (e.g. share to Mail).

Display snippets

Snippet content field

Within the snippet content field you can preview your snippet. Placeholders will be highlighted in color.

"Edit" button

Tap this button to edit this very snippet.

"Process (⌐⊙_⊙)>>>" button

Tap this button to process your snippet. This will replace the placeholders with the appropriate values.

Processed snippet

On this page you will find your placeholder-replaced snippet. You can choose various options to move on with it.

Share snippet

By tapping the share button you will be able to share the snippet with different apps on your device (for example Messages, Mail, Social-Media-Apps, etc.).

"Save as..." button

By tapping the "Save as..." button you will be able to save your processed snippet to the Files App. You can choose from these file formats:

"Copy as..." button

By tapping the "Copy as..." button you will be able to copy your processed snippet to the clipboard. You can choose from these file formats: